Ok, here's my first attempt at creating a blog. The plan is to capture some of the day-to-day elements of raising the boys ... we may have thoughts or observations or hypotheses that seem so obvious or top-of-mind at the time, but the reality is that in two or ten years we may not remember them. So we're going to try to capture some of them here, which would create more of a permanent record. We'll see how it goes...
Now for a couple of ground rules:
1) This will only work if it's updated regularly. It will only be updated regularly if it's easy and quick. That means that some of the entries will be pretty basic. And there might even be (gasp!) some typos or grammatical errors. That won't be the end of the world.
2) Blogs work best when there is some interactivity, so responses and feedback are encouraged.
3) We're making this up as we go, so we may try some things and decide they don't work, in which case we'll change them.
But enough yip-yapping -- time to get rolling!
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