Sunday, May 13, 2007

Farewell to Nana AND a surprise visit from Grandpa and Grandma

Today was the last day of a weeklong Nana visit - her second in three weeks. It was great that she was able to come back out on such short notice to help out with little Ty-man. The boys had a great visit with Nana, including lots of fun activities:

  • Building two build-a-bears (Mr. Bear-Bear and Mr.
    Bear-Bear) at the b-a-b workshop up at tthe Hillsdale mall
  • Lots of craft activities creating special Mother's Day gifts for their mom, including a great visor, several clay bowls, and two handprint stepping stones for the garden
  • Cleaning out the kitchen and the playhouse
  • Lots of book readings and walks to go see Riley, the mellow golden retriever up the street

Picture: Nana and the boys on a "bear walk" to see Riley

The boys had a lot of fun helping mommy open her presents on "Happy Mothers Day" (the official name of the day). It was also awesome for me to pull into Sterling Ave and see the boys, walking their bears in their strollers, wearing their new visors (see picture above). Great look...

The extra-special surprise of the day was after J&D and I got
back from taking Nana to the airport, we went upstairs to change into shorts, and Grandpa and Grandma snuck into the house and sat down outside at the table. The boys then went outside, and Dillon noticed them. He knew it was them, even though they were facing the other direction - pretty impressive! They had an awesome time, running around with Grandpa and reading books with Grandma. G&G stayed for a couple of hours before they had to catch their flight back to PDX. It was a great day for the (older) boys.

Picture: G&G reading the boys one of their books (a gift from G&G)

Tyler was doing a little bit better on the eating front - Maria had hoped for us to get 6 oz. in him at each feeding. by the middle of the week Nana and I were usually able to do that. It isn't too much fun, though, when he maxes out at 5 oz and doesn't want to eat any more. He's becoming more and more fun now - definitely more interactive. He loves to roll over on his back, and he loves his mobile. He also coos more and more after he's done eating. Such a cutie - but with a very serious/concerned look on his face most of the time.


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