Random Musings
1) J&D spend a lot of time bickering these days - they really know how to push one another's buttons (esp. J to D). Simple example - Jackson loves to ask Dillon "Which Mommy is doing X" which causes Dillon to scream "Don't say that!" (as in, there's only one Mommy, so don't ask me "which"). Of course, J will just say it over and over again while D gets more agitated. It's particularly fun in the car.
2) While we'd love to have them spend more time apart, it's hard to do that... whenever we try, they both typically want to do the same thing. It's also harder with Ty, given that someone always needs to be at home.
3) They are both obsessed with the Wolf underwear - it has always been Dillon's favorite, but now Jackson wants to wear it too. This also produces some great fights, since Dillon rarely is willing to let Jackson use "his" things (same issue with the Doggy towel - 98% of the time D wears it and the 2% of the time J gets it usually results in some tears).
4) Jackson has been getting up earlier and earlier - still not bad relative to some friends, but its been tough losing some of our limited kid-free time. He's often up at 7 or 7:15, and this morning it was 6:45 (particularly rough after our first night out since Tyler - a fun group dinner at Erin and Pat's house). He comes out to the upstairs landing, and makes enough noise for us to wake up and come deal with him. Some days he can be handled by giving him some books to read in his room, but other times he just wants to get the day started...
5) At this point Dillon is very comfortable pedaling both their tricycles. Jackson can pedal some on his bike (the plastic one, which is easier) but still isn't that comfortable with it. I'm considering getting them their first little regular bikes (with training wheels) in hopes that they would like them and get more comfortable pedaling them. Maybe we do this before BBR?
bro numbers 1 and 3 made me laugh out loud!! great writing, good for you for keeping up with this blog ~ miss you all, bb
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