Finally Back ...
OK, I know, it's lame that i go on these really long hiatuses (or is that hiati?). The good news is that i generally backfill and pre-date the entries so that they show up in the right chronological order.
Today is September 9, and I'm finally returning to the blog after my last real-time post on June 28. At least this time I (sort of) have an excuse - we left for vacation on July 3rd, and I (understandably) didn't post anything during the extended vacation time (through July 21). I had grand plans to sit down at the computer on our return and post all the pictures from our trip along with witty commentary, but the day before we left Grandpa's house, we discovered that our camera's memory card was corrupted and couldn't be read. Yikes! Fortunately, Grandpa was able to send it off somewhere to have it fixed and salvage the pictures. This took a while, so we didn't actually get them until mid-August. And then it took me a couple of weeks to sit down and get back in the groove. And here we are.
Sooo... i'm going to add in postings since June 28 and will put them in with the relevant time stamp. And going forward I promise i'll be better about staying current!
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