August 17 - Daddy has Lasik Surgery
OK, I'm writing this on 8/25 but these pictures are from a week ago, Thursday 8/17 after I had Lasik surgery on my eyes. You can see me sitting on the couch with the boys, wearing my "protective goggles" that I had to wear all day after my 3:30 surgery (to prevent me from accidentally rubbing or touching my eyes. You can see that the boys had fun wearing them also.
Alba and the boys picked me up after the surgery at "Doctor MAN-cheees" office, which is the way J-train likes to say it. They've been obsessed with various doctor's names lately, and the fact that Daddy had TWO doctors in his life was very exciting. Sample conversation:
J - Daddy, what's your doctor's name?
(usually w/ the typical emphasis on random syllables, like NAAAME)
Daddy - Do you mean Dr. Duncan?
J - Daddy, what's your OTHER doctor's NAAME?
Daddy - I don't know - you tell me
J - [visibly excited] DOCTOR MAAAANCHEEE!
Or maybe this:
J - Daddy, what's your doctor's name?
Daddy - You know - you tell me
[brief pause, while Jackson squirms and smiles and looks at me]
Daddy - Is it Dr. McAdoo? (the boys' pediatrician)
Daddy - Hmm, is it Dr. Kahn? (Annabel's OB)
Daddy - Well, is it .... Doctor Duncan? (my regular doctor)
J /D - [visibly excited] YEAAAHHHH!
(occasionally followed by "Daddy, what's your other Doctor's name? rinse, lather, repeat)

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