Friday, August 25, 2006

Friday 8/25 - random thoughts

Tonight I met Annabel and the Boys at Max's Opera Cafe at the mall. I was late getting out of work, so by the time I got there and they were seated, it was after 6:30. We didn't get the food until after 7. The boys were pretty squirmy in our booth, driving us nuts climbing up the walls and looking over at other tables, or wanting to crawl on the ground. After a while Jackson started yelling, and after asking him several times to stop, I had to take him outside for a little timeout. He started bawling on the way outside, because he didn't want to leave Mommy. Once he settled down, we went back in and ate our meals, and he was very good.

Annabel is starting to get some bad headaches from the pregnancy, which was something that happened for a stretch last time as well. No fun for her...

The boys have recently made the switch from regular diapers to pullups during the day (although we still use regular diapers at night b/c they are much more absorbent, which reduces the likelihood that we have to change their sheets in the morning). They are slowly getting better, and will occassionally go pee-pee on the potty - even the "big potty" (in fact, that seems to be the only one Jackson wants to use now).

One funny thing that happened at the end of dinner - I said the boys "it's late, we're going to have to get you home and put your PJs on, read a story and go to bed. This immediately prompted an outcry of "I want to drink some milk!" and "I want to sing songs!". I then said, "Do you guys want to go home and (a) put your PJs on, (b) go down and have some milk, (c) read a story downstairs, (d) go upstairs and read another story, (e) then sing our songs, and (f) then go to bed?" (reciting the majority of their nightly ritual), to which they both enthusiastically replied "YES!" -- it's amazing how they love their routines...


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