Monday, May 14, 2007

Back from the dead...

OK, after a veeeerrrrryyy long hiatus, I am re-starting this blog with the goal of making frequent posts and using it as a way to maintain a diary of the family. No more having to ensure that each post is complete with tons of pictures, etc. (although that will be nice) ... instead I want to habituate more frequent usage. I'm sure that when we look back on this in 10+ years, there will be a lot more value in having consistent updates than in having the perfect, fully rounded post. So here goes - let's see if I can keep it up!

Update - You'll notice that there are a few posts that come before this one (but after the last real post, the Zoo visit in Sept. 2006) ... I just discovered the ability to backdate posts, so in the interest of keeping things chronological, I'm going to submit a couple of recent posts on the right date for ease of future reading...

Also note that i've figured out how to back-date entries, so i'm adding some highlights since I quit posting, and will do so in chronological order. So anything that is listed between this entry and Sept. 3 '06 (the zoo visit with nick and elise) has been back-dated (hence the brief descriptions - more of a pictorial recap)...



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