Sunday, October 28, 2007

Original Thoughts

Today I was feeding Tyler while J&D were eating lunch at the table. Jackson was talking about the construction site across the road (a house was just torn down to clear the way for a rebuild).


Jackson then said something about “House roots.” Before I had a chance to ask him what that meant, Dillon asked “what’s that?”


J – “those are the roots that connect a house to the ground. Like plant roots.”


D – “who told you that?”


J – “No one. I thought it by myself when I was in mommy’s tummy”



Digging to China

This past Thursday or Friday, while Nana was in town, the boys were playing out in the back yard. They’ve gotten into digging with their construction trucks in the back corner, near/behind their playhouse. 


Suddenly, Dillon ran up to Nana, very excited, and said “Nana! Jackson just dug all the way to China!”


Evidently, J had been digging for a while, and had run into something hard.


As Jackson explained it to Nana shortly thereafter, with all seriousness – “I was digging and all of a sudden I hit something hard and red, and I thought I had dug to China. But it was just a rock.”






Saturday, October 06, 2007

Soccer Practice (#2)

Jackson and Dillon are doing a 6-week mini soccer program - it's put on by some parents from the twins club, and is very informal. But for 6 weeks, we head up to San Mateo for a 30 minute session. Below you can see some action photos from the second session that was held this morning. The boys start out each session very shy (especially D), wanting me to hold them or hiding behind me. But they usually open up and get into it after the action starts. One funny thing - after the first session Dillon told me that he didn't like it when people clapped after he kicked the ball into the goal, so this week he told coach Nina that he didn't want her to cheer or clap for him :)
Learning how to trap the ball by "stomping on it"

Dillon in stomping action....


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