1) Dillon's favorite phrase these days seems to be "OK, bye-bye" He says it all the time, whether its appropriate or not. It's been driving Annabel and Jade crazy, and I got introduced to it this weekend. I think he just likes how it sounds.
2) "quiet times" are virtually impossible anymore. They almost never nap, and they always want to play together, despite always being together and often getting on each other's nerves all morning. A good day is when they stay in their rooms, play with their trains and are generally quiet; a typical day includes several yelling episodes (general excitement), one or two fights (with yelling, of course), and too many doors opening/closing/slamming as they run back and forth.
3) They are into potty talk now (thank you Jon and Bonnie's boys! ;-) so there are several references a day. We're trying to manage this by making them go into the bathroom if they use the words, but clearly the horse has left the barn on this one.
4) Jackson is obsessed with talking about animals and whether or not they eat people. A dinner can't go by without questions around tigers, lions, pumas, bears, and sharks and whether they would eat little boys, or whether baby animals would eat grown-ups, etc.
5) We really miss our precious few minutes of quiet morning time. Jackson is now inclined to wake up before 7, sometimes as early at 6:30. He has been going into Dillon's room and waking him up to, or he'll lie down out in the upstairs landing and read through books or play with a toy. That, combined with Tyler usually waking up and crying sometime between 7-7:20, means that the days often start before we are ready. Oh, for those early D&J days when we would go wake them up in their cribs at 7:50!
6) D&J have become full-on TV ("video") junkies ... before, they would always enjoy them, but they didn't always ask for them - it was more of a treat. Now they ask to watch videos multiple times a day, and we're probably now averaging a show a day at this point. Still much lower than a lot of folks (a show is 20-30 minutes), but more than we'd prefer. Their favorites are still Dora, but they now also like Diego, Mickey's club house, and Thomas episodes.
7) They've gotten much better at making their own train track sets - they can always make a wooden circle, and they make fairly elaborate setups with the geotrax set, including the bridge and a loop.